a dilemmáink is azonosak. Mostanra elkészült George posztja, de legnagyobb bánatomra, ez egyben a búcsú is tőle és családjától. Néhány nap múlva visszatérnek Ausztráliába, ami érthető döntés a részükről, de nekünk akkor is nagy veszteség, hisz családi barátainkról van szó. George posztjából megtudhatjátok, hogy miért költöztek Izraelbe, miért maradtak több mint három éven át Ein Gevben, most pedig miért hagyják maguk mögött azt a helyet, ami annyira a szívükhöz nőtt és követik Larát és Dant Melbourne-be.
In the last 3 years I have worked as a kitchen hand, a fry cook, a security guard, a cameraman, a gaffer, a director, an editor, a graphic designer, a video blogger, a music teacher, a university lecturer, a voice over artist, a crewman on a tourist boat, a tour guide, a photographer, an online marketer, an affiliate manager, and a translator... Welcome to Israel! |
With nothing more than one and a half suitcases each we boarded the first of 2 verrrrry long flights and set off on our way. Our first stop was a kibbutz in the north of Israel right on the Sea of Galilee called Ein Gev. We had a plan to stay for 6 months and then move to the centre of Israel so that I could find a job more in line with my profession - advertising, as unfortunately there aren't a lot of production houses situated 160km from Tel aviv. That was the plan. It wasn't what happened.
There is something very special about living on a Kibbutz, a sense of community that I have yet to feel anywhere else I have ever lived. There are no fences or dividers between houses so everyone is very much connected to everyone else. We celebrate with each other when someone has a baby, a birthday or gets married and we cry together when someone leaves us or passes away. We share each others joys and sadness, highs and lows, laughter and tears. Our 3 1/2 years on Kibbutz Ein Gev have been more than we could have hoped for or imagined. I have often said to many people that living is here is not really like living in the 'real world', it's better.
Also, I never quite managed to find my 'thing' here from a work point of view. I was prepared to try a lot of things and gave them all a red hot go but unfortunately none of them panned out or paid enough for me to be able to continue full time. I remember something that my best buddy and neighbour Idan said to me when we first got here and that was "...if you find your niche here in Israel it is the very best place in the world you can ever live." I really think he is right, but unfortunately I didn't find mine.
I guess it would have just been easier if I did find my niche and the rest of our family would have decided to move over here as well.